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What we believe

Having known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory, Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily. 
Colossians 1:27-29 KJV

WHAt we believe about:

The Trinity

  • We believe in One God, The Great “I AM”, Eternally Existent in Three Distinct Persons; The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

  • The Father, the creator of the invisible world

  • The Son, by whom and through whom all things were made. 

  • The Holy Spirit, The giver of Life proceeding from The Father and The Son

Jesus Christ

  • God, The Son, Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our Faith. 

  • Though eternally existing as God, By the power of The Holy Spirit, He came down to Earth to be born as a human baby to the Virgin Mary. 

  • He is Fully God, and yet also Fully man. 

  • All who see Him, see also the Father, since he is the radiance of God. 

  • He lived a sinless life, but died a sinner’s death to pay for the sins of Humanity

  • After 3 days, He rose up from the grave, empowered his disciples to make other disciples, and ascended into Heaven

  • By believing in who He is and What He did we receive forgiveness of sin and an eternal home.


  • Sin entered the world through the disobedience of mankind. Adam and Eve sinned against God and were separated from Him. 

  • To restore the relationship between God and Man. God initiated a plan.

  • He told His chosen people about a coming Messiah that would save His people. 

  • That Messiah was Jesus himself, our Lord, The Son Of God. 

  • Jesus was crucified and died as punishment for the sins of mankind 

  • By confessing our sins and putting our trust in Jesus Christ as Lord. Our sins are forgiven and Christ makes us righteous.

  • Now our relationship with God is restored and we have an eternal hope.

the Bible

  • We believe The Bible is The Word of God and essential for healthy christian living

  • We believe The Bible is “God-Breathed.” Meaning, God using imperfect humans as instruments, inspired the Biblical Texts. 

  • While the origins seem human, this does not not take away from the Divine nature of The Biblical texts. Therefore, The Bible is THE only authoritative text in all matters regarding life, teaching, and church governance.


  • Repentance is supremely foundational in Christendom. We believe Repentance leads to divine “rest”

  • Repentance in the Greek means a “reversal” or a “change of mind.”  It is not simply a sorrow of sin, but a commitment to live a life submitted to God. Repentance is the act of coming before God and acknowledging our shortcomings before Him. And asking for power to turn away from this sin. The Holy Spirit ENABLES and EMPOWERS us to repent.


  • We believe Baptism by Water is a public declaration of an inward conviction. Primarily, it is a representation of repentance and total surrender. By immersing in Water, we declare that we died to ourselves with Christ. And by coming out of the water, we are raised with Him, to walk in the newness of Life (Romans 6:4).

  • Because Baptism is a representation of repentance, we believe that Baptism must be a personal decision. The individual must carefully examine the scriptures, and decide whether or not to live a life of repentance and obedience to Christ. (Acts 8:26-40).  

  • Baptism DOES NOT represent a commitment to the local Church body which performed the Baptism. Baptism PRIMARILY represents a commitment to God. So while we would love to walk together with you in your walk with Christ, we understand this may not always happen. We hope you do find a Healthy, Biblical community that will disciple you and help you grow in your relationship with God. 

The Baptism of The Holy Spirit

  • We believe in addition to Baptism by Water, Christ himself promises to Baptize us with the Holy Spirit 

  • We believe this is a distinct event from Water Baptism, although it can happen at the same time. 

  • By being Baptized with the Holy Spirit, we are imbued with power from on High. This power enables us to live an effective christian life, in which we overcome sin, worship God, bear the fruits of The Spirit, and Utilize the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

  • We believe the Holy Spirit is continuing the work that began in the first century when Jesus filled his disciples with The Holy Spirit in Acts 2. This means that we believe that the gift of tongues, gifts of healing, and gifts of prophecy are evident in church life today.

The Great Commission

  • Jesus Christ, by discipling us, commands us to disciple others. He tells us to go into the World tell the world of the good news 

  • We are called to be faithful in our places of work and tell the World that Jesus Christ died for the sins of mankind and He is coming again to judge the living and the dead.

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